Friday, June 01, 2007

Dealing with Procrastination

Procrastination is a poison to the person looking for health insurance. Over the years I have sat with, spoken to, too many people that have put off buying a health insurance policy only to have a tragic event occur and thus rendering them un-insurable.

Case in point, I remember the time I sat with an older couple and spent over two hours with them discussing the benefits and reasons why they should get the health insurance policy, and in the end, they did buy. Feeling good about the sale I went home. Two days later the wife called me to let me know that her husband was admitted into the hospital for what later was diagnosed as a stroke. If they had waited, if they had turned me away, he at least would be un-insurable.

Let's discuss the number one reason not to procrastinate when looking for a health insurance policy.

The number one reason is the unknown. There is a problem that plagues us, humans. I call it the Unknown. It is the future. We do not know what tomorrow brings. We don't even know what the next hour will bring. It is the unknown factors that we guard against. It is the reason we lock our doors at night. It is the reason we prepare our houses for a big storm. It is the reason we buy insurance. Not knowing the future is only a problem if you are not prepared.

The fix, then is to be prepared. When you are shopping for a deadbolt to put on your door, do you pick the cheapest, least effective lock on the market? No, you choose a lock that will withstand anything thrown at it. It is your family that you are protecting, so you buy the best lock on the market.

Likewise, when a major storm is approaching, do you leave all the windows and doors unprotected? Do you leave yard items in the yard to blow around? No, you put the storm shutters on the windows and doors, the yard is picked clean, and everything that can be tied down is.

If you prepare for the storms and the burglars that might come your way, then doesn't it make sense to prepare for the health storms and burglars that can rob you of your good health and eradicate your bank account? Health Insurance does just that. Health insurance protects you and your family just as much as that lock and the storm shutters protect you and your family.

My suggestion, don't procrastinate. Get the best policy that you can get to protect your family. I guarantee that you will sleep better at night knowing that you have protected your family against the dangers of the unknown.

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